Taking Action at the Intersections
EdIntersect is a woman-owned small business working internationally to take action at the intersections of education and multiple sectors of global development.
EdIntersect was founded in 2013 to meet the need for an approach in educational development that recognizes the multiple identities that form people’s lives. An intersectional approach takes into account multiple factors – gender, language group, geographic location, ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status – that make up an individual’s membership in multiple communities.
At a sectoral level, the meeting points of education, health, technology, and multiple other areas call also for focused analysis and action.
what our clients and partners say about our project results
©2025 EdIntersect ⋅ All rights reserved ⋅ Site Design
North Carolina, USA
Certified woman-owned small business with the U.S. Small Business Administration
Member of the Small Business Association for International Companies (SBAIC)
©2025 EdIntersect ⋅ All rights reserved
Certified woman-owned small business with the U.S. Small Business Administration
Member of the Small Business Association for International Companies (SBAIC)
North Carolina, USA
Site Design