USAID Malawi Next Generation Early Grade Reading Activity (NextGen)
September 2022 – September 2027
The USAID/Malawi Next Generation Early Grade Reading Activity (NextGen) will solidify and build on the progress to date of Malawi’s National Reading Program towards improving the delivery of high-quality early primary reading instruction in all Malawian primary schools. At the end of NextGen, at least 30% of Malawian second grade children will demonstrate grade-level reading proficiency in Chichewa as defined by the Global Proficiency Framework. In addition, at least 30% of NextGen’s beneficiaries will also demonstrate measurable improvements in English oral expression and in the essential sub-skills of reading in English.
To achieve this goal, NextGen will support the Ministry of Education in strengthening its national reading program and will implement interventions aligned with five results:
- Capacity of central ministry directorates and divisions to deliver high-quality reading-related services increased.
- Technical engagement of decentralized authorities in improving primary grade reading outcomes increased.
- School management (head teachers, section heads, and teachers) empowered to implement the NRP consistently and correctly.
- Parent/family engagement in early reading improvement increased.
- Effective educational opportunities for pre-primary-aged students provided.
As part of the Chemonics consortium, EdIntersect will support the government of Malawi counterparts to develop and use data collection tools that help them identify nationally and locally the key challenges facing children in learning to read and develop procedures and protocols that enable them to manage available resources to support the largest number of children to learn to read. EdIntersect will coordinate closely with the Ministry of Education and any other relevant stakeholders, and with counterparts
and local partners to support mutual learning and capacity building.
EdIntersect will be especially active in aligning national assessments with the Global Proficiency Framework (GPF) and progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education, familiarizing stakeholders with the GPF and data from Grades 1 and 2, using locally effective and valid frameworks and tools to gather data for decision-making at decentralized levels, and designing and conducting a pre-primary pilot study.