All global development firms and donors must commit to measure results achieved during their projects. Opportunities are growing for research and evaluation with increasing emphasis on monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) embedded deeply into project design and clear evidence of enabling factors and bottlenecks expected from funders and partners.
We work closely with our clients on all facets of research and evaluation needs, including building templates and tools for global use in program evaluation, training and capacity building for project and ministry counterparts, and setting up indicators and metrics that can be localized appropriately country by country.
We research, analyze, write, synthesize, facilitate, and produce to achieve our clients’ goals. Achieving a big idea requires a process of discovery and we bring the depth of research skills, harnessing qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, to lay out a step-by-step inquiry and pave the way to a final product that delivers results.
Some elements of our Research and Evaluation work have been:
- Use quantitative and qualitative data analysis for impact and performance evaluation
- Develop early grade reading and math assessments (EGRA/EGMA) instruments in multiple languages
- Harmonize with ministry of education officials throughout evaluation process
- Train data collectors to ensure data quality
- Analyze early grade reading and math assessment (EGRA/EGMA) data
- Write reports for EGRA/EGMA studies and other research and evaluation needs, incorporating feedback from stakeholders
- Conduct instrument design, data collector training, and results dissemination workshops
- Develop local education monitoring approach (LEMA) indicators in concert with project MEL (monitoring, evaluation, and learning) indicators
- Facilitate training for inspectors for LEMA implementation across multiple regions of a country
- Work with government counterparts to make decisions about sustainability of LEMA within the ministry’s monitoring and evaluation systems following the close of a project