USAID/Policy, Planning and Learning | Mid-term Performance Evaluation of USAID Mali SIRA
January – May 2020
Through the USAID Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning Eval-ME IDIQ, The Mitchell Group, Inc. (TMG), EdIntersect, and Le Centre de Promotion de la Citoyenneté pour un Développement Durable à la Base (CEPROCIDE) partnered to conduct a mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID Mali Selective Integrated Reading Activity (SIRA). USAID/Mali partnered with the ministry of education in Mali on SIRA. The program’s objectives are to 1) improve early grade reading instruction; 2) improve early grade reading delivery systems; and, 3) increase support for early grade reading by parents, the community and private groups. The mid-term performance evaluation team employed an innovative and rigorous multi-phase mixed-methods approach combining relevant quantitative and qualitative methods. The model used approaches and data sources to “dig deep” into what is taking place at multiple levels of the delivery system and to answer key evaluation questions.
The primary role of EdIntersect was to support the successful implementation of the evaluation by working closely with the Evaluation Team Leader, the Malian Specialists, the local partner CEPROCIDE, and the TMG home office staff. EdIntersect provided specific evaluation expertise in early grade reading, assessment, mixed methods research, and training with ICT-enabled data collection. EdIntersect ensured that the data collection proceeded as planned and that evidence met the quality standards set for the evaluation. EdIntersect provided the Evaluation Expert position to the team, and also technical backstopping and statistical expertise. This included review of sampling and related assumptions for quantitative fieldwork (EGRA) and classroom observations, and for statistical sampling design, analysis and reporting for evaluation implementation. EdIntersect’s Evaluation Expert led the training of the data collectors and served as a key point of contact with the data collection team. The Evaluation Expert also led the data analysis plan and the preparation of the evaluation report and recommendations.