ICT/Technology for Development
EdIntersect brings a depth of experience across various contexts in developing information and communications technology (ICT) solutions for education programs. In addition to ICT-enabled data collection, EdIntersect supports the technical components of cost-effective use of ICTs in education programming. Technical components include assessment, monitoring and evaluation, advisement on ICT usage by teachers, coaches, parents, and community members in professional development, and extending learning beyond in-person training and classroom experiences.
EdIntersect provides ongoing technical assistance in ICT strategy on USAID-funded projects; this assistance spans teacher training, parent engagement, and accountability and monitoring. EdIntersect’s ICT contributions include working closely with ICT specialists in ministry of education units, such as in training and development, and testing of ICT solutions for education system needs.
COVID-19 crisis and distance learning
With the COVID-19 global public health crisis, EdIntersect’s role in providing expertise on technology for development and ICT strategy across reading-focused programs has come into further focus. This work includes supporting the project team on USAID Senegal All Children Reading team in organizing Lecture Pour Tous materials on the ministry of education’s site for teacher training and professional development.
EdIntersect provides descriptions of the materials and guidance on their use, and provides targeted support to the team working on adapting in-service training to a distance learning approach. EdIntersect oversees the distribution of in-service professional development content through multiple media channels and ICT platforms; this includes posting materials to the ministry of education site and assisting with sharing materials through an SMS platform.
EdIntersect supports distance learning by reviewing programs to identify how to make materials available to children, and integrating content for teacher professional development.
EdIntersect supports the monitoring, evaluation, and learning team based in Senegal with distance learning studies. These rapid studies determine if parents and students are gaining access to radio spots, SMS messages, and other technologies. EdIntersect also supports the development of platform data capture interfaces, user surveys, sampling strategies, and analysis and use of data.