
Inclusive Development Partners | Innovations on inclusive learning assessment practices and utilizing Universal Design for Learning

October 2021 – May 2022

The Inclusive Education Initiative (IEI) is a Multi-Donor Trust Fund managed by the World Bank, with funding from the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The development objective of the IEI is to improve the educational participation and learning outcomes of children with disabilities. Under the IEI, Inclusive Development Partners (IDP) will develop a global toolkit on Universal Design for Assessment (UDA) implementation within low-  to middle-income countries (LMICs). Using the best practices on the Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA), IDP set out to pilot an accessible, UDA EGMA in Tajikistan through the Learn Together Activity (LTA) funded by USAID. The lessons learned from this experience were incorporated into an updated version of the UDA guide. EdIntersect’s role on the project was to support the implementation of the adapted assessment items for two EGMA sub-tasks during the EGMA pilot and provide guidance to IDP on implementing assessments at the school level. EdIntersect guided IDP on the timeline and activities within the Learn Together Activity from tool development through training of data collectors and on to data collection during the pilot study.