Inclusive Education

Education systems must adapt to students’ needs, which will differ within a classroom. A belief in the right to education for all students means a belief in inclusive education.

For EdIntersect, this commitment to inclusive education also means a commitment to inclusive development overall. A concept important to all donors in global development, inclusive development is defined by USAID as the concept that every person, regardless of their identity, is instrumental in transforming their societies. When development processes are inclusive, better outcomes come about for the communities that embark upon them. For EdIntersect, this means that in working within various country contexts, local stakeholders from national ministries to local organizations, are included in the development of programs, in the elaboration of research tools, and in the program activities in the field.

When there is a real commitment to inclusive education, access to quality education for all students is assured, meaning that students’ diverse needs are accommodated in responsive, accepting, respectful and supportive ways. Students in an inclusive setting would participate in the education program of their community in a common learning environment with the support needed to eliminate barriers that may lead to exclusion.